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Sandman Slim Books in Order - A Reading Guide

If you’re a fan of urban fantasy novels, then chances are you’ve heard of Richard Kadrey’s Sandman Slim book series. The series follows the adventures of James Stark, a magician who has escaped from Hell and returned to Earth seeking revenge against those who betrayed him. With the twelfth and final novel in the series already out, plus more companion novellas, it’s the perfect time to dive into the world of Sandman Slim. But with so many Sandman Slim Books to consider, it can be tough to know where to start. Fear not! In this post, I’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide to reading the Sandman Slim books in order.

What Is The First Sandman Slim Book?

Sandman Slim. This is the first book in the series that gives it its name. It’s also definitely the first book you should read in the series, if you want to read the Sandman Slim Books in order. It’s important to start with this book to fully understand the background and motivations of the protagonist, James Stark. In this book, we learn that Stark was a talented magician who was sent to Hell by a group of fellow magicians, and spent 11 years there fighting in the gladiator pits. He eventually manages to escape and return to Earth to seek revenge against those who wronged him, all while navigating the hidden supernatural world of Los Angeles. 

Start the series here. 

(Note: I recommend the audiobook, which perfectly captures the noir voices of James Stark)

Sandman Slim Books Order (The Novels)

Now you’re sorted with the first book in the Sandman Slim series, here’s a list of all of the full length novels. I recommend you blaze through them like fiery bat outta hell…

  1. Sandman Slim (2009)

  2. Kill the Dead (2010)

  3. Aloha from Hell (2011)

  4. Devil Said Bang (2012)

  5. Kill City Blues (2013)

  6. The Getaway God (2014)

  7. Killing Pretty (2015)

  8. The Perdition Score (2016)

  9. The Kill Society (2017)

  10. Hollywood Dead (2018)

  11. Ballistic Kiss (2020)

  12. King Bullet (2021)

Sandman Slim Book Order – Remember Devil in the Dollhouse

For those who are right into the Sandman Slim, there is also a novelette to complement the series. Called Devil in the Dollhouse, this story of 100 pages (or just over an hour on Audible) sits between books 3 and 4 in terms of the Sandman Slim reading order. You’ll see it labelled as Sandman Slim #3.5 in a few places. Find that one here for just 99c on Kindle.

If you want to go super hard, dive into the full Sandman Slim Kindle Bundle which will give you all of the full-length novels in fell swoop.

There you have it! A complete guide to reading the Sandman Slim book series in order. While the novella in the series is worth reading too, I recommend starting with the main books. The Sandman Slim series is a wild, action-packed ride filled with humor and heart.

And, if you like them and are yearning for more, try my Hellbound Trilogy. A wild journey through the underworld like you’ve never seen it before.